Funding Programme: U.S. Embassy Malta
Scope: The Academy for Women Entrepreneurs was a training programme aimed at a cohort of early-stage business owners or non-business owners who aspired to becoming entrepreneurs.
Participants were women aged around 25 or over, having a post-secondary level of education and higher, aspiring to start a business, or having recently started a business. Apart from a training programme led by The Malta Chamber, the participants were also granted the opportunity to pitch their business idea in front of three expert judges, resulting in two winners who received $10,000 and $5000 respectively in seed money to launch their business idea.
Objectives: To provide women entrepreneurs with the skills and resources needed to start and scale successful businesses through U.S-style online training with local guided facilitation.
To foster networks that support the participants’ access to peer-to-peer mentorship, business partners, and scaling opportunities with businesses in the region.
The Malta Chamber Role: Coodinator
Value to Members: To provide women entrepreneurs with the skills and resources ne
Pillar: Economic Growth & Resilience
Project Website: The Academy for Women Entrepreneurs (AWE)
Timeline: Closed