Bank of Valletta has just upgraded the screens on its ATM fleet, displaying a new, updated, and easy-to-use interface. The upgrades were made with the aim of enhancing the usability of ATMs, increasing accessibility, and making it much easier to carry out the transactions that customers are so familiar with. Over 650 screens have now been upgraded, including all screens for foreign cards, credit cards as well as local cards, thereby ensuring that customer interactions continue to develop into a more modern and seamless experience. The Bank has retained the flow from one screen to the next intact, so that customers continue to use ATMs in the same way that they are accustomed to.
Customer service has always been a key ingredient in the provision of financial services. As banks continue to improve and upgrade their service channels, particularly through the introduction of self-service and digital solutions, maintaining the right balance between digital and physical channels continues to play an important role.
Over the past months Bank of Valletta has been investing time and energy in improving its service offering across its channels. The Bank’s Voice of the Customer programme provides crucial feedback on the service offered by the Bank. By listening to customers, the Bank obtains regular updated pulse readings of customer satisfaction and obtains crucial feedback on areas for improvement.
The latest feedback obtained on the Bank’s ATM fleet has already resulted in a number of improvements. The Bank has already changed the servicing time of its ATM network, introduced the recycling of deposits for improved cash withdrawals and has also been sending SMSs to users alerting them when an ATM they frequently use is out of service.
Speaking about this enhancement Theodoros Papadopoulos, Chief Digital Officer at Bank of Valletta said that “Customer experience is key for the Bank. We continually strive to improve our channels, and we continue to invest in making the customer experience a memorable one. Listening to customers on a daily basis helps us in carrying out such enhancements. We recognise that there are no instant solutions. It is a continuous journey that we have embarked upon, one step at a time, small changes that together can result in a markedly improved experience. We are confident that this latest enhancement will continue in our efforts to position Bank of Valletta as the bank of choice for all our clients.”