Global Shapers Community has officially launched a Hub in the city of Valletta, Malta. The Valletta Hub was founded by Marisa Xuereb, President of the Malta Chamber of Commerce, Enterprise and Industry.
In the spirit of the Global Shapers Community and the World Economic Forum, the Valletta Hub is non-political, neutral, not-for-profit and multistakeholder. Founding members of the Hub Shapers are diverse in expertise, education, income and race, but are united by their desire to bring about change.
The Head of the Global Shapers Community, Mr Wadia Ait Hamza said, “Youth are not only the hope of the future, but they are the hope of today. 50% of the world population is less than 27 years old and are therefore critical to defining the future of their societies as a whole. The Global Shapers Community supports young leaders who are exceptional in their potential, their achievements, and their drive to contribute to their communities by shaping local, national, and regional agendas”. Marisa Xuereb said: “I am very honoured to be selected by the World Economic Forum and the Global Shapers Community to launch the Valletta Hub. This is a milestone and we are looking forward to working together to improve the future of our country”.
As part of the activities leading up to the launch, representatives of the Valletta Hub are being supported by The Malta Chamber of Commerce, Enterprise and Industry, who expressed its satisfaction and support for the group of dynamic young leaders coming together to have a positive impact on the country.
The Valletta Hub is inviting young people between 18 and 27 years old to apply to join. The recruitment campaign is officially open.