Gender Toolkit

According to the European Sustainability Development Report 2022, major challenges remain in the area of Gender Equality in Malta.  A significant proportion of the female population remains outside the working population due to caring responsibilities and the number of women in senior management positions remains relatively low.   

Moreover, votes for female candidates in the national and local elections continue to remain low despite the recently introduced gender corrective mechanism law.

There has probably never been a better time in Maltese employment history to ensure that our talented human resources pool remains not only in employment, but fully engaged and motivated to give its best.  Organisational policies and procedures, whether formal or informal, can sometimes reinforce gender inequalities and stereotypes.  Against this background, this toolkit aims to put together resources aimed at increasing understanding of relevant issues, creating more awareness within organisations while also helping to avoid gender related issues.  We also recognise that there are more than two genders and we should recognise that binary thinking can also lead to overlooking the talents of a significant proportion of the workplace.  People of all sexual orientations, gender identities, gender expressions and sex characteristics (SOGIGESC) are valuable, and we are also including some very relevant resources to increase awareness of LGBTIQ+ issues in the workplace. .

It is all about making the best use of our talent, irrespective of these distinctions – and creating workplaces where people can give of their best in a positive and supportive environment.  The toolkit has been put together by The Malta Chamber Health and Wellness committee, supported by Atlas Insurance and launched in March 2023 but it should be seen as organic and participative – please give us feedback on where you think we can improve, update or add a resource.

Codes of Practices/Checklists

Recruitment and Selection

National Commission for the Promotion of Equality (Malta) – inclusive Advertising: Guidelines for Authors and/or Publishers of Adverts: Maltese or English version

Equal4Europe – Gender Inclusive Recruitment & Selection Toolkit for HR Professionals

Gender decoder – this site offers a quick way to check whether a job advert has a discouraging effect on female candidates

Sexual Harassment

National Commission for the Promotion of Equality (Malta) Code of Practice on Sexual Harassment

Equal Pay for Work or Equal Value

National Commission for the Promotion of Equality (Malta) Equal Pay for Work of Equal Value between Women and Men in Collective Bargaining

Transgender Inclusive Employment Practices

Human Rights Directorate’s ‘Managing with Pride: Trans Work – Same Work’ campaign – VIEW WEBSITE – DOWNLOAD LEAFLET

Flexible Hours & Remote Working

Employer Liability In Remote Working Arrangements – Do We Need To Risk Assess Homes?

The COVID-19 Remote Working Experiment

Malta: employer liability in remote working arrangements – Do we need to risk assess homes?

Position Paper on Teleworking & Remote Working Arrangements

The rise in telework: Impact on working conditions and regulations

Encouraging companies/organisations to apply for the Equality Mark as it shows commitment towards making gender equality one of their values

Drafting a Work-Life Balance Policy (NCPE template)

Gender Mainstreaming

Malta’s Gender Equality & Mainstreaming Strategy & Action Plan

OECD’s Toolkit for Mainstreaming and Implementing Gender Equality

Council of Europe Gender Mainstreaming Toolkit

EIGE Toolkit on Gender Mainstreaming

The Collection of Data and the Recognition of Sex, Sexuality and Gender

Human Rights Directorate – Maltese Government Guidelines on the Recognition of Sex, Sexuality and Gender – Maltese and English version


Constitution of Malta

Key Legislation

The Employment and Industrial Relations Act (EIRA)

Protection of Maternity (Employment) Regulations  

Subsidiary Legislation: Equal Treatment in Employment Regulations

Equality for Men and Women Act (EMWA)

Income Tax Act – Tax-Credit (Women Returning to Employment Rules) 2005 and Part-time work (amendment) Rules 2005

Gender Identity, Gender Expression and Sex Characteristics Act 2015

Leave for medically assisted Procreation – Subsidiary Legislation 452.114

Urgent Family Leave Regulations (EIRA)

Work-Life Balance Directive

Equal Treatment in Employment Regulations – Subsidiary Legislation 452.95

Case Law


Equal Pay for Work of Equal Value

Case C-427/11 of 28th February 2013 – Kenny and 13 others v Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform, Minister for Finance and Commission for An Garda Siochana

Glossaries/Terms you need to know

EIGE’s Gender Equality Glossary and Thesaurus is a specialised terminology tool focusing on gender equality and aiming to foster a common understanding of such terms across the EU.

X-marker – Human Rights Directorate’s ‘How to apply for an X-marker’ leaflet

Awareness Raising Tools and Material for Workplaces

Skillsoft – Recognizing Gender Bias and Barriers

What You Can Do to Reduce Gender Bias and Why You Should – Susan Fleming – Ted/Cornell University

Global Equality Collective – Unconscious Bias Video Wall

How to design gender bias out of your workplace

Six essential lessons for women leaders

Do you know what gender inequality at work looks like?

NCPE’s poster on sexual harassment at the workplace

Trans Workers Same Work Campaign

Government Incentives and Other Resources for Organisations

Information on Free Childcare

Jobs Plus Mature Workers Scheme

Jobs Plus Childcare Subsidy Scheme

Jobs Plus Access to Employment Scheme

Free training and information from the Health Promotion and Disease Prevention Directorate including on breastfeeding, wellbeing and working from home

European Institute for Gender Equality Resources

Toolkit on Gender-sensitive Communication/Quizzes etc

EIGI – Gender-sensitive Communication – Terms you need to know

Toolkit on gender sensitive communications

EIGI – Gender-sensitive Communication – Key principles for inclusive language use

Test your knowledge

EIGI – Gender-sensitive Communication – Test your knowledge

Gender Pay Gap

Eurofound Policy Brief on Understanding the Gender Pay Gap. What role do sector and occupation play?

More details and context on the Gender Pay Gap can be found in this European Sustainability Reporting Standard (specifically disclosure S1-16) which obliges companies subject to the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive to disclose it

The Gender Pay Gap in Malta – European Commission

National Statistics Office Malta  

Malta Sustainability Forum background information on the subject