
Funding ProgrammeEU Social Dialogue Programme

Scope: The project sought to raise awareness of how with the implementation of the right strategies for digital transformation could bring clear benefits and added value for employers and workers by providing new labour market opportunities, new ways of organising work and improvement in working conditions.


  • Studying the national context, existing strategies and methodologies related to the implementation of the Framework Agreement on Digitalisation, the challenges faced by social dialogue deriving from the digital transformation of the world of work, the new opportunities presented by digitalisation
  • Making a comparative analysis of the trends in the partner countries.
  • Raising awareness of the European autonomous social dialogue outcomes and improve understanding of employers, workers and their representatives of the opportunities and challenges in the world of work resulting from the digital transformation.
  • Exchanging experience and good practice examples within the context of the Framework Agreement on Digitalisation and elevating the role of the social partners and social dialogue in this process.
  • Developing a ‘Catalogue of Good Practices’ to assist the employers’ and workers’ organisations to mutually benefit from the opportunities and deal with the challenges in a partnership approach.
  • Organising discussions and exchanges between workers’ and employers’ representatives on the role of social dialogue in the context of its new dimensions at national and transnational levels by exchange of information and good practice examples.
  • Promoting good practices and positive outcomes of the digital transformation and the role and impact the social dialogue can play in the process for social development and economic effects in the partner countries and other EU Member States.
  • Exploring the necessity for amendment of the existing national legal frameworks in order to enhance the implementation of the Framework Agreement on Digitalisation and to make suggestions to the relevant institutions.

Partners Involved:


  • Confederation of Independent Trade Unions in Bulgaria (CITUB)
  • Bulgarian Industrial Association (BIA)
  • Estonian Employers’ Confederation (ETKL)
  • Malta Chamber
  • Cyprus Workers’ Confederation (SEK)
  • Cyprus Employers & Industrialists Federation (OEB)

Associated Organisations:

  • European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC)
  • BusinessEurope
  • Concordia
  • Ibec
  • Swedish Trade Union Confederation (LO)
  • The General Workers Union (GWU) – Malta

Affiliated Entity:

  • Malta Business Bureau

The Malta Chamber Role: Partner

Value to Members: Information Sessions & Events on Digital Transformation matters including:

  • Digital Skills & Securing Employment
  • Modalities of Connecting & Disconnecting
  • Artificial Intelligence & Guaranteeing the Human in Control Principle
  • Respect of Human Dignity & Surveillance

The events held to share the above included:

Pillar: Human Capital

Project Website: TransFormWork

Timeline: Closed